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松村俊和・一ノ瀬友博・Arifin, N. H. S.・Asmiwyati, I G. A. A. R. 2004.インドネシアバリ島の水田周辺の植物相.景観園芸研究,5,41-44.
We made a flora list of paddy fields in Bali island. In Japan, of 95 species in the flora list, 20 species are not distributed, 23 species are naturalized species, 9 species are distributed only over Ryukyu islands and 43 species are distributed over Honshu island in Japan. It is necessary to investigate vegetation ,because vegetation can be different with each other due to the difference of seasonality and climate.
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If you want this paper, please send me e-mail. But the language is Japanese.