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松村俊和・一ノ瀬友博・Nurhayati H. S. Arifin・片野準也・片岡美和・I. G. A. A. R. Asmiwyati.2003.インドネシアバリ島の水田周辺の植生.景観園芸研究,4,11-14.のAbstract
We briefly reported vegetation around the paddy fields in Bali Island, Indonesia. Many kinds of species in Bali Island are similar to those in Japan. In the paddy fields, floating and emerging plants on the water were observed. Some of them are rare and endangered species in Japan. The number of species per 1m2 in fallow fields, on the slopes between paddy fields, and on the slopes between paddy field and kebun are 13-18, 20, and 10-12, respectively. Species richness between paddy fields is almost the same with the species richness in Awaji Island.
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